Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Well this new years went way better then any other new years. It may be due to the fact that I didn't go out but instead stayed in with the girls. It was pretty much perfect there was champagne, junk food, and movies. However, we only watched one movie because the rest of the time we where talking and it was awesome! The only bad part of the evening was that I almost broke my own nose from walking (actually turning) into my friends door jam. Luckily I didn't brake anything it just hurts a little. But anyway the night turned out to be the best new years I have had in a long time. My friends are the best! And later on today I am going to go on a hike and I'm super excited! I will share more on that tomorrow. I really hope that everyone had a safe and fantastic new years eve and 1st!!!!

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